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Date: 05 April 2023 | Store Cattle

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Borderway Store Cattle Sale

Borderway, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2RS

STORE CATTLE – On Wednesday, 5th April Harrison and Hetherington held their weekly sale of Store Cattle. A much larger entry in terms of quantity however strength, power and overall quality was lacking on last week with more yearlings and grass type cattle forward.  Big cattle remain a ferocious trade with £1700 broken with ease throught out the sale.  Sale topper today at £1980 was a Limousin x bullock from Messrs Studholme, Ash View, Wigton,  Dairy bred bullocks sold to £1940 for a Simmental x from Auchengray Farm, Dumfries,  Messrs Watson, Howrigg, Wigton sold a run of strong dairy bred bullocks to a top of  £1920 to average £1893.33 for the run.

Messrs Graham, Bolton Wood Lane, Wigton also sold bullocks to £1920.  The final vendor to break £1900 was Peter Faulder, Croft House Dovenby who sold a dairy bred Limousin x freemartin at £1900.  Native cattle peaked at £1800 for an Angus from Messrs Vance Sloehabbert, Newton Stewart.

Leading prices:
Steers: Limousin
£1980 £1660 Ash View, £1920 Bolton Wood Lane £1890 (x2) £1700 West End Farm, £1760 £1560 (x2) Whiteside Farm, £1690 £1660 (x2), £1660 High Skeog £1660 £1600 £1580 High Knells Farm, £1640 Halldykes, £1540 Windy Nook £1520 Harley Croft, Simmental £1940 £1460 Auchengray Farm, British Blue £1920 Howrigg Farm, £1830 £1690 Carleton Hill Farm, £1760 £1750 £1700 (x2) £1680 £1640 £1590 £1500 Broathill, £1690 Bolton Wood Lane, £1600 £1580 £1550 (x2) £1540 (x2) Halldykes, £1550 (x2) Town House, £1490 (x4) Harley Croft, Charolais £1900 £1860 Howrigg Farm, £1820 High Knells Farm, £1680 Woodhouse £1360 (x2) £1300 Shank Bridge End

Aberdeen Angus £1800 Sloehabbert Farm, £1640 £1640 £1300 (x2) Hayclose £1560 £1520 (x4) £1380 (x2) Halldykes, £1370 Harwood on Teviot Farm, £1360 Brisco Hill, Hereford £1690 Swordwellrigg Farm, £1320 £1290 Hayclose £1300 (x4) High Stand, Fleckvieh £1560 £1460 (x2) £1390 £1390 (x6) £1350 (x4) Auchengray Farm, £1370 Greystone House, Montbelairde £1410 £1200 Swordwellrigg Farm, £1290 Greystone House, Holstein Friesian £1380 High Skeog £1310 Sloehabbert Farm, Beef Shorthorn £1310 Sandwick Farm, Friesian £1310 Windy Nook. 

Heifers: Limousin £1900 £1560 Croft House Farm, £1660 £1520 (x2) £1500 Broathill, £1650 £1600 £1560 (x2) £1500 £1480 (x2) £1460 Whiteside Farm, £1600 £1480 Shield Green, £1570 £1440 Woodhouse  British Blue £1770 Bolton Wood Lane £1760 £1600 (x2) £1580 £1540 (x3) £1470 (x2) £1390 £1340 Broathill £1610 Woodhouse, £1500 Sandbed, £1490 £1380 (x2) Carleton Hill Farm, £1470 Woodhouse £1400 (x2) Wickerfield, £1330 £1330 (x3) £1320 (x3) High Skeog, Charolais £1620 £1540 (x2) £1430 Wodhouse £1320 (x2) Castle Nook, Aberdeen Angus £1520 (x2) £1360 (x2) Hayclose £1500 Broathill £1460 Collin Bank £1360 (x2) Hayclose, Blonde £1380 £1370 £1340 £1320 Grassknop, Hereford £1310 (x2) Kelsick House, £1270 (x3) Mouswald Grange.

All classes of cattle are in huge demand, both in the ring and off Farm. Please contact our team for further information.