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Date: 23 May 2023 | Store Cattle, Weaned Cattle

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Lockerbie Store Cattle Sale

Lockerbie, Sydney Place, Lockerbie, DG11 2JA

Harrison and Hetherington fortnightly sale of store cattle at Lockerbie Auction Market sees once again a busy ringside of buyers and a good show of cattle. Cattle remain highly sought after with especially cattle for grass being in extremely high demand. 12-month-old Simmental cattle sell to 292ppk from Mr Harrison and Aberdeen Angus’s to 285ppk for both Bullocks and Heifers from Pearsbyhall Farming. 13month old Luing Bullocks sell to £1140 from Messrs Stewart, Tushielaw and Limousin heifers top the days at £1500 from Messrs Halliday of Crawthat.

The next sale at Lockerbie is on the 6th June 2023.

Please contact one of our Auctioneers for further information:
Joel McGarva 07909 985770
Michael Stewart 07753 720323
Cameron Robertson 07836 233042

Leading Prices per head:
Heifer: Limousin
£1500 Crawthat Aberdeen Angus £1480 Maxwellbank

Steers: Luing £1140 Tushielaw Aberdeen Angus £910 Fingland, £900 Pearsbyhall

Leading Prices per kilo:
Steers: Aberdeen Angus
284.8p, 283.2p Pearsbyhall, 273.3p, 253.6p, 243.8p Fingland Hereford 264.7p Copewood Luing 259.9p, 257.6p Tushielaw

Heifers: Aberdeen Angus 316p, 252p, 242.1p Pearsbyhall, 257.6p Middlebiehill Limousin 274.3p Middlebiehill, 257p, 254p Crawthat Beef Shorthorn 272.3p, 260.7p, 244.6p Meikle Whiteriggs Simmental 262.4p Maxwellbank Hereford 260.2p, 258.1p, 242p Keyla Park, 255p Copewood, 243.2p Maxwellbank Longhorn 242.9p Pearsbyhall