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Date: 07 June 2023 | Calves

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Borderway Sale of Calves

Borderway, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2RS

On Wednesday 7th June Harrison & Hetherington held their weekly sale of calves.  Top price bull today was achieved three times by Messrs Martin, Tempest Tower at £660 for powerful young blue bulls.  Limousin bulls topped at £600 for an exceptional calf from Messrs Irving, Brunt Hill.  Angus bull calves topped at £520 from Messrs McKie, Wedholme and Fleckviehs topped at £380 from Messrs Hyslop, Meinside.  Black and whites topped at £260 twice again from Messrs Martin Tempest Tower.

Angus heifers topped at £560 from Messrs Martin, Tempest Tower and Messrs McKie Wedholme, topped the Blue section at £520. The Irving family from Brunt Hill sold the top priced Limousin at £500.  Messrs Hyslop, Meinside was the highest price in Fleckvieh section at £350.  Simmental heifers topped at £350 from Messrs Sanderson, Graden Farm, Kelso.

Leading Prices:

Bulls: British Blue £660 (x3) Tempest Tower £605 £595 Brunt Hill £590 Thackwood Farm £590 Wedholme Hill £500 Netherfield Farm,  £485 £410 The Crescent  £480 Woodhouse  £475 Chalk Lodge  £465 £440 Cross Hill  £440 Boggle Hall  £425 Meinside, £405 £400 Mainhill Farm,  Limousin £600 Brunt Hill £575 £520 Kelsick House Farm, £445 £390 £340 Round Hill £425 £415 £390 Bleaberry Rigg £395 Greengatehouse Farm,  £370 Boggle Hall, Aberdeen Angus £520 £494 £470 £435 £400 £380 Wedholme Hill £490 (x2) £470 (x2) Whitrigg Grange, £460 £430 (x3) £375 Meinside £450 Netherfield Farm, £359 Woodside Farm, Fleckvieh £380 Meinside, Hereford £320 Whitelaird £240 £235 £225 (x2) £215 £210 £205 £190 £180 (x2) Cotehill Farm, £185 Cairnhead Farm,  Holstein Friesian £260 (x2) Tempest Tower £220 £180 £125 Breckney Hill £190 Round Hill £190 (x3) £150 Harrington Ling Farm, £190 Thackwood Farm, £140 Cairnpat, Friesian £200 £155 Nerewater Farm, £190 Round Hill Danish Red £150 Eastfield Farm, Ayrshire £140 (x2) £135 (x4) Marleycote Walls, Holstein £100 Whitelaird.

Heifers: Aberdeen Angus £560 £460 (x2) Tempest Tower £500 £430 Wedholme Hill £460 Whitrigg Grange, £330 Meinside £250 Woodhouse, British Blue £520 £470 £390 Wedholme Hill £490 Kelsick House Farm, £480 £450 (x3)  Woodhouse, £440 £380 Netherfield Farm, £430 Brunt Hill  £425 Harrington Ling Farm, £420 £370 Dykehead  £405 Thackwood Farm, £380 The Crescent, Limousin £500 Brunt Hill £470 £460 Kelsick House Farm £305 Bleaberry Rigg  £275 Boggle Hall £255 £250 Chapelcroft, Simmental £350 £2890 Graden Farm, Fleckvieh £350 (x3) Meinside, Hereford £215 Buckabank Farm, £205 Woodhouse, Holstein Friesian £150 Thackwood Farm.