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Date: 26 July 2023 | Weaned Cattle

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Borderway Weaned Cattle Sale

Borderway, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2RS

On Wednesday 26th July, Harrison & Hetherington held their weekly sale of bulls and weaned cattle.   Despite beef trade falling, Ring 4 defies the odds and trade was on the rise for both bulls, bullocks and heifers with countless bidder in attendance.

Bulls topped at £1560 for two Limousins from Messrs Mounsey, Wardhall Guards Farm.  British Blue bulls were up to £1410 from Messrs Hall, Horsleyhill.  Bullocks peaked at £1350 twice firstly for a  Limousin from Messrs Hall again and a British Blue from Messrs Gorst, Gilpin Farm.  Messrs Hall also topped the heifer section at £1280 again with Limousins.  More entries needed for next week with new buyers eager for cattle.

Leading prices

Bulls: Limousin £1560 (x2) Wardhall Guards Farm, £1370 £1320 £1290 Lower Griseburn £1300 £1200 (x2) £1170 £1080 Muirhouse £1280 Glendue Farm, £1150 £1080 (x3) £1040 (x2) Laitha Farm, £1120 £1090 (x2) £1060 Field House £1090 Burtreeford, British Blue £1410 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage £900 £830 Westfield Cottage

Steers: British Blue £1350 £910 Gilpin Farm, £1000 Wallhead £810 Pinegrove £810 (x2) Green Hills Farm, Limousin £1350 £1130 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage £1190 Gilpin Farm, £1140 £1110 £910 Glenlea £1040 Hayton Brow  £1010 Wallhead £1010 £960 £940 Burthwaite  £960 Fell View £950 Gilpin Farm, £900 Burtreeford, Aberdeen Angus £1100 (x2) Milescott  £780 Pinegrove £750 (x2) Caton Street £700 Sandysike Farmhouse, Hereford £1080 (x3) £1060 (x2) High Hall Farm £1030 £940 (x2) The Height, £900 Wallhead, Belted Galloway £720 Mark Farm, Simmental £820 (x2) Ashley Grove Farm.

Heifers: Limousin £1280 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage £1020 £980 (x2) The Grove £1010 Burthwaite £970 £960 £930 (x2) Harper Hill Farm, £870 £850 Glenlea, British Blue £1280 Gilpin Farm, £1090 Temon Farm, £1050 (x4) Cooper House Farm, £860 Pinegrove, Simmental £950 Glenlea £860 Pinegrove, Hereford £860 The Height £730 (x2) £700 (x3) Little Blencow Farm Belted Galloway £695 £670 (x2) £650 Mark Farm, Aberdeen Angus £850 (x3) The Grove.

All classes of cattle are in huge demand, both in the ring and off farm. Please contact our team for further information.

Store Cattle Team
James Little 07872 840685           
Grant Anderson 07872 129274
Lynne Grieve 07803 242344

Weaned Cattle Team
Joel McGarva 07920 009097
Joe Bowman 07736 883670
David Holliday 07710 189804

Calf Team
Cameron Robertson 07836233042
Rory Livesey 07535 001541